First Baptist Church

src="images/Churches/0200/First-Baptist-Church-J4100242.jpg" alt="Place holder for non-business photo. " class="bus_img" itemprop="url" />First Baptist Church
223 Bull Street (Near Chippewa Square)
SavannahGA  31401
(912) 234-2671

Unfortunately, the First Baptist Church does not have the staff to have their sanctuary open for tours on a daily schedule. If you call ((912) 234-2671) and let them know when you would like to see the sanctuary, they will try to have someone on the property to give you a tour.

This Greek Revival structure of the First Baptist Church is Savannah's oldest standing house of worship. The First Baptist Church of Savannah, Georgia, was chartered on November 26, 1800, The cornerstone of the church on Chippewa Square was laid on February 2, 1831, and the building was completed in 1833. The sanctuary was enlarged in 1839 and completely renovated in 1921. The most recent renovations were in 1966, 1989-1990, and 1998-1999.

The church was granted a perpetual charter on December 19, 1801, and the name of the church has been the First Baptist Church since February 4, 1847. The Sunday School was organized on April 29, 1827.

This church was one of the very few Southern coastal churches that did not close during the Civil War. Pastor Sylvanus Landrum preached on Sunday to a congregation made up largely of Confederate soldiers. The following week Savannah surrendered and the next Sunday he preached to a congregation made up largely of Union soldiers.

Tours:  Unfortunately, the First Baptist Church does not have the staff to have their sanctuary open for tours on a daily schedule. If you call ((912) 234-2671) and let them know when you would like to see the sanctuary, they will try to have someone on property to give you a tour.