Rousakis Plaza
Rousakis Plaza (Riverfront)
21 East River Center (about the center)
Savannah, GA 31401
This is the place to be when you have no reason to be anywhere else.
Find it on River Street adjacent to the Savannah River and one block North of Bay Street. It is recommended that you park along Bay Street or within a few blocks of Bay Street and then walk down to River Street and Rousakis Plaza.
River Street is lined with restaurants and shops, including the famed Riverstreet Sweets that has the best pralines outside of New Orleans. There are also several antique shops along Riverstreet. A visit to both Riverstreet Sweets and The Peanut Store is recommended -- if only to browse. Georgia is the top producer of peanuts in the United States and produces about 42 percent of all the peanuts produced. You will find every kind of peanut in the Peanut Store.
Sit, relax, and enjoy watching the people and ships go by. And, you will see a lot of ships. Savannah is the country''s busiest seaport outside of Los Angeles. Take a free ferry ride across the Savannah River to Hutchinson Island far a better view of the waterfront. Yes, the return trip is also free. Check the sign at the boarding location for the operating hours.
On Bay Street, and within a few blocks of Bay Street, are several hotels; with a few of them being large hotels.