Fort Screven

Fort Screven
Tybee Island, GA 31328
Adults: $9.00
Seniors (62+), Military with ID and Children: $7.00
Members of the U.S. Coast Guard and Kids 5 and under are admitted free.
Note: The last tickets are sold at 4:30 p.m. and can be purchased at the Tybee Island Lighthouse across the street from Battery Garland.
Fort Screven was built around 1875 at the North end of Tybee Island. The fort has a maganificent view of the Atlantic and the Savannah River.
Fort Screven had seven batteries, six on Tybee Island and a seventh, Battery Hambright, near Fort Pulaski. Battery Garlandnow houses the Tybee Island Museum and is open to the public, as is Battery Hambright. The others can be seen from the street and beach, but are not publicly accessible.
Fort Screven had seven batteries, six on Tybee Island and a seventh, Battery Hambright, near Fort Pulaski. Battery Garland
now houses the Tybee Island Museum and is open to the public, as is Battery Hambright. The others can be seen from the street and beach, but are not publicly accessible.
To visit Battery Garland, take Highway 80 east from Savannah to Tybee Island, turn left at the first light onto Campbell Avenue.
Follow Campbell the dead end and turn left on Van Horne then take the first right onto Meddin. The street address is 30 Meddin
Drive, Tybee Island, Georgia.